Administration Department
Under the leadership of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Administration Department is responsible for the overall governance of the Town under the direction of Council and in accordance with policies and programs approved by Council. The Administration Department ensures that all other municipal departments within the Town Office are addressing issues and providing quality service in a courteous and timely manner.
The Administration Department is responsible for:
- preparing Council/Committee meetings/minutes
- maintaining municipal records
- processing requests for information under the ATIPP Act
- coordinating the Municipal Election
- implementing Council directives and initiatives
- maintaining the Town’s website, app and social media sites
- drafting policies, by-laws and regulations
- handling all legal affairs
- overseeing operating and capital budgets
- planning and executing long-range plans
- being the point of contact for the public and other government organizations
* The Town Clerk is an appointed Commissioner for Oaths. There is no charge for this service. Anyone requiring a signature to be witnessed must present their document(s) in person, must sign the document(s) in person (all parties required to sign must be present) and must present ID if unknown to the Executive Clerk.
Fire Department
The Marystown Volunteer Fire Department consists of a compliment of thirty trained and dedicated volunteers who are committed to not only protecting your lives and your property but in promoting and educating the public on fire prevention and fire and life safety. Under the direction of the Fire Chief, the Marystown Volunteer Fire Department responds to emergency fire and carbon monoxide calls, vehicular accidents, hazardous materials spills, ice and water rescue and other emergency situations. The Department is also involved in emergency planning, building and safety inspections, Fire Prevention Week and other educational programs, fundraising for Muscular Dystrophy, participating in community events (including the Department’s own Demolition Derby) and maintaining the Gerard J. Kelly Memorial Firefighters Heritage Museum.
The Marystown Volunteer Fire Department provides the best services possible by utilizing the best equipment available and by creating an environment that provides ongoing training to ensure the health and welfare of their members. Their emergency plan is updated regularly and the Department is ready to respond should an emergency or disaster unfold.
Our firefighters are often the first to respond in most emergencies. If you see a fire emergency vehicle, or any emergency vehicle, approaching from behind or in front of you, safely pull over to the side of the road and let it pass – lives may depend on it!
For more information on the Marystown Volunteer Fire Department and the services offered or for more information on becoming a member, please visit the Department’s website.
Finance Department
The Finance Department is responsible for the financial well-being of the Town through the provision of effective and reliable financial advice, services and information to Council, staff and the public.
The Town collects funds annually from various sources including property taxes and government grants. As most of the Town’s decisions have financial implications, the Finance Department is involved with assessing the financial impact of various courses of action to be taken and overseeing the expenditure of those funds through the annual budget process.
The Department oversees the following functions:
- long-term financial planning
- co-ordination of the annual budget process
- loans and investments management
- general accounting
- treasury and cash management
- all statutory financial reporting and internal control
- tax billing and collection and maintenance of property tax records
- water and sewer billing and collection and maintenance of water and sewer accounts
- accounts receivable billing and collection for all other municipal departments
- processing accounts payable and receivable
- co-ordination of bulk purchasing and central purchasing
- payroll and human resources
Planning & Development Department
The Planning & Development Department is primarily responsible for managing the growth and orderly development of the municipality and balancing the interests of property owners, businesses and the public with the goals and objectives of the Town of Marystown. This is achieved by providing professional planning advice to Council, other Departments and the public on a variety of policy and procedural issues.
In addition to overseeing a variety of planning applications, permits and licenses, the Department is responsible for the development and implementation of the Town’s Municipal Integrated Community Sustainability Plan and Development Regulations.
The Department provides services and provides professional advice within the Town’s planning boundaries, which also includes the communities of Beau Bois, Spanish Room, Jean de Baie and Rock Harbour, in the following areas:
- Municipal Planning
- Development Control
- Building Inspections/Safety
- Municipal Enforcement
- Animal Control
- Anti-Litter
- Fire Department
For information regarding the Town’s development/permit fees.
* The Administrative Support Clerk is an appointed Commissioner for Oaths. There is no charge for this service. Anyone requiring a signature to be witnessed must present their document(s) in person, must sign the document(s) in person (all parties required to sign must be present) and must present ID if unknown to the Administrative Support Clerk.
Public Works Department
The core responsibility of the Public Works Department is the provision of day-to-day maintenance of the Town’s municipal infrastructure, which includes, but is not limited to, streets, sidewalks, drainage systems, sanitary sewer systems, water systems, water and sewer lines, blivets and traffic lights. Together with engineering professionals, the Department is also tasked with upgrading and constructing municipal infrastructure in order to meet the growing demands of our community. The Public Works Department has the challenging task of managing the Town’s infrastructure within defined financial resources while maintaining acceptable levels of service and public safety.
In order to carry out its tasks, the Department maintains a fleet of vehicles as well as various pieces of light and heavy equipment.
In accordance with Town policies and procedures, the Department makes every effort to ensure that our Town not only meets service standards and obligations but does so in an efficient and effective manner.
The Department is responsible for:
- Minor sidewalk and street repairs/maintenance
- Municipal water repairs/maintenance
- Municipal sewer repairs/maintenance
- Catch basins and curbs
- Street sweeping and grading
- Street and traffic signs
- Streetlight maintenance
- Snow and ice removal
- Water supply, treatment and distribution
* The Administrative Support Clerk is an appointed Commissioner for Oaths. There is no charge for this service. Anyone requiring a signature to be witnessed must present their document(s) in person, must sign the document(s) in person (all parties required to sign must be present) and must present ID if unknown to the Administrative Support Clerk.
For information regarding the waste disposal site, contact Burin Peninsula Waste Management in Jean de Baie at 891-1717 or visit their website at
Recreation Department
The Town of Marystown recognizes the benefits of participating in recreation and sport. The Recreation Department strives to provide a variety of recreational programs that promote a healthy and active lifestyle. Through the support of a number of community groups, organizations and dedicated volunteers, the Recreation Department is able to maximize recreational opportunities for people of all ages and provide a number of activities, programs, services and special events to suit everyone’s interests throughout the year.
Our Recreation Department also plays a part in enhancing the appearance of our community through the installation of green bins, hanging flower baskets and other maintenance/beautification around town.
The Town owns several recreational facilities for both residents and visitors to enjoy. These facilities include:
- Summer Games Building and Track & Field Complex
- Kaetlyn Osmond Arena
- Recreation Complex (operated by the YMCA)
- Janes Pond and Landing Place Pond Walking Trails
- Skateboard Park
- Various Softball Fields
- Two Tennis Courts
- 10-Station Fitness Park
- Various Playgrounds
- Dog Park
- Splash Pad
- Inclusive Playground (coming soon)
To find out more about programs, events and activities, join the Town of Marystown Recreation group on Facebook.
* The Administrative Support Clerk is an appointed Commissioner for Oaths. There is no charge for this service. Anyone requiring a signature to be witnessed must present their document(s) in person, must sign the document(s) in person (all parties required to sign must be present) and must present ID if unknown to the Administrative Support Clerk.