No Parking on North Side of Canning Bridge, February 5/25
Town Hall

Minutes + Agendas

Regular Council Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month, unless scheduled otherwise.  These meetings are open to the public and streamed live through Facebook.  

Following each meeting, all adopted minutes will be posted to the website for public access.


Residents have the right to appear as a delegation at a Council meeting if they need to speak to Council as a whole about a specific matter or concern.  

In order to be placed on the agenda as a delegation, the following procedure as per Council’s Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of Meetings must be followed:

  • Advance notice in writing is needed from any delegation requesting time to speak at a Council meeting. (The request must include your name, all contact information and the reason to appear as a delegation.)
  • Any documents to be brought forward by the delegation need to be made available to Council for advance review.
  • Council will discuss the issues of the delegation and review any documents prior to a regular Council meeting.
  • The delegation is to be listed on the agenda for the next regular Council meeting after Council has met.
  • The delegation will have a set amount of time to speak (five minutes).
  • If a delegation consists of several concerned residents, one person will act as spokesperson for the whole delegation.
  • The delegation spokesperson will only be allowed to speak on the issue presented to Council and reviewed by Council in advance.
  • Council will not make any decisions during the regular Council meeting.
  • If the issue presented needs to be dealt with by Council, it will be promptly acted on.
  • All decisions, affirmative or negative, will be put in writing back to the delegation and a copy kept on file.

When addressing Council as a delegation:

  • follow the instructions of the Mayor or Presiding Officer
  • do not enter into debates with Council, staff or other delegations
  • do not speak disrespectfully to anyone or use offensive language
  • only speak to the issue of concern that was approved
  • only speak for the 5-minute allotment unless the time limit is extended

Residents are advised that the request to appear as a delegation and any documents provided to Council will be considered public documents as per section 215 of the Municipalities Act, 1999, and subject to review by the general public.

Please send your requests to Petrina Power, A/Town Clerk – Executive Clerk at [email protected].

You can also hand deliver or mail your requests to:

Town of Marystown
P.O. Box 1118
150-168 Ville Marie Drive
Marystown, NL
A0E 2M0