Waste Collection
In 2014, the Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board took over the responsibility of waste management services for the entire Burin Peninsula. Waste will only be collected from an approved roll-out bin that is placed within 6 feet of the curb from May to October and within 12 feet of the curb from November to April.
The waste disposal site is located near Jean de Baie on Route 210.
Tuesday to Friday | 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
Saturday | 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. |
Sunday and Monday | Closed |
Weekly Waste Collection
There are no set hours for weekly waste collection as they may vary. To ensure waste is collected, it should be at the curb by 8:00 a.m. on the day of collection.
Regular waste is collected Weekly on Thursdays.
Any change in date due to holidays, weather, etc., will be posted to the Burin Peninsula Waste Management Corporation website
Bulk Waste Collection
- Second Thursday of each month – Mooring Cove; Greenwood Street and extensions; Charlotte Street and extensions; Creston Boulevard west of and including Dinah’s Road; Creston North; and Marystown North, Butler’s Road, Ville Marie Drive, Lower Mooring Cove, Black Brook and all of McGettigan Boulevard
- Second Friday of each month – Creston Boulevard east of Dinah’s Road to Little Bay; Harris Drive and Harris Drive extensions, Water Street and Marine Drive
Any change in date due to holidays, weather, etc., will be posted to the Burin Peninsula Waste Management Corporation website.
Drop Off
During the regular hours of operation, residents can also drop off the following items:
- Household Hazardous Waste – bins have been set up on site for the year-round collection of household hazardous waste products (toxic, poisonous, corrosive, flammable, reactive or explosive products). These products require special handling as improper handling could lead to the contamination of our water, air and land.
- Electronic Waste – bins have been set up on site for the year-round collection of electronic waste such as televisions, computer monitors, CPUs, laptops, printers, home theatre systems, cell phones, etc. All items must be intact to be accepted (ie., no broken screens).
- Used Paint – bins have been set up on site for the year-round collection of used paint. Leftover paint of any type should never be poured down a drain where it can seep into our waterways.
For more information regarding waste management, please visit the Burin Peninsula Waste Management Corporation or call 891-1717.
Recycling and Composting
Residents are encouraged to recycle and compost where possible in order to reduce the amount of waste going into our landfill. Please contact the Director of Planning & Development Control at [email protected] or call 279-1661 ext. 258 to purchase a compost bin from the Town.

Snow Clearing
The Town’s snow clearing period runs from the first day of December through to the last day of April.
Marystown is divided into four zones and a loader is assigned to each zone as follows:
- Creston North
- Creston South
- Little Bay
- Central Marystown/Mooring Cove
As primary streets, Ville Marie Drive and Creston Boulevard are cleared by the flyer at the same time the loaders are working in each of the four zones. However, because the primary streets are a priority for emergency services, they may have to be plowed more frequently during heavy snow, thereby extending the time needed to plow other roads.
Once a snow event has ended, the Town’s equipment will work on further clearing the asphalt of snow and widening the roads.
Salting and Sanding
Salting and sanding are ongoing throughout the winter season however, the frequency depends on road conditions, weather and temperature. The Town’s roads are monitored on a regular basis for the purpose of salting and sanding.
No person shall park an unattended vehicle on any street, street reservation or municipal parking area in such a way as to interfere with, hinder or obstruct snow clearing operations.
No person shall park an unattended vehicle on any street or road reservation within the Municipality:
- between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. during the snow clearing period regardless of weather conditions; or
- during a snow storm; or
- during the twelve hours immediately following a snow storm; or
- during such other period as may be declared by Council to enable cleanup after a severe storm or snowfall
Any unattended vehicle parked on any street reservation within the Municipality is in contravention of the Snow Clearing Regulations and will be immediately removed by, or on behalf of, Council and impounded with the cost of such removal and impounding being recoverable from the owner as a civil debt.
Depositing of Snow/Plowing Across Streets
During the snow clearing period, no person shall deposit or cause or permit to be deposited any snow and/or ice from driveways, sidewalks, parking lots or any other property, under their ownership or control, onto any street or street reservation within the Municipality.
During the snow clearing period, no person shall, by means of a truck, ATV, tractor or any form of snow plow, plow snow across a Town-owned street. Such activity can cause dangerous slippery patches on the Town’s streets.
View the full Snow Clearing Regulations.
Street Maintenance
Street maintenance begins in the spring in the following order:
Potholes/Asphalt Repairs
Following the winter snow clearing season, roads are assessed for any damages, including potholes. This is the primary focus for spring maintenance. Asphalt repairs are carried out as required. All activities are subject to change/modification based on the needs of the Town.
Street Sweeping
Street sweeping is completed as required throughout Marystown. Street sweeping is done to clean the Town’s streets of sand and debris that have been deposited on them as a result of winter sanding, washouts, street maintenance, etc.
Ditches are assessed annually to ensure proper flow for street runoff.
Line Painting
All streets undergo line painting once a year during the months of July and August.
Shoulder Repairs
Shoulder repairs are completed as needed prior to the winter season to repair grade, washouts, etc.
Street Lights (Outages)
Newfoundland Power owns and maintains our street lights and the Town, as a customer, pays a monthly fee for the majority of those street lights.
A street light that is damaged, has exposed wires, is flickering or burnt out or has a damaged pole is considered a hazard. If you notice any damage to our street lights or any other issues, such as a street light coming on during the day, you can contact Newfoundland Power directly by calling 1-800-474-5711 or visiting their website to report it.
The Town’s policy on street lighting is to provide a light on every second utility pole. If you have concerns regarding the need for additional street lighting in a particular area, you can contact the Town of Marystown in writing. Your request will be investigated and discussed and if approved, a request will be forwarded to Newfoundland Power to request additional lighting.
Community Pride/Clean-up Weeks
What is Community Pride and how do we achieve it?
Community Pride is all encompassing. It’s about activities that build pride in our community such as sports. It’s about having pride in our home and property. It’s caring about how our community looks and how others see us. It’s about coming together and celebrating what we have.
It’s about making our town better.
One way the Town of Marystown is trying to achieve Community Pride is through our Don’t Litter, You Critter Anti-Litter Campaign.
In 2018, the Protection to Persons and Property Committee launched an anti-litter contest for students. From the entries received, the Committee chose six posters to replicate into signage. Local businesses were given the opportunity to sponsor a sign and have their business displayed with their sign. The response was so overwhelming that more posters were selected for additional signage. These signs are erected all over Marystown and act as reminders to keep Marystown clean and beautiful.
The campaign is still ongoing so if your business is interested in sponsoring a sign, and advertising your business, contact the Administrative Support Clerk at 709-279-1661 ext. 230. The cost to sponsor a sign is $500.00.
In addition to the Don’t Litter, You Critter Anti-Litter Campaign, the Town, through the Protection to Persons and Property Committee, launched the Fill the Can, Man! Campaign in 2018 during our spring Clean-up Week. With help from local partners, the Town is able to provide a dumpster for all debris collected during Clean-up Week. Residents, organizations and businesses are encouraged to help clean up Marystown. It’s a great way to get active, spend time with friends and beautify our town.
Clean-up Week is separate from the monthly bulk waste collection. Residents are to put their bulk waste to the curb for pickup as usual. The Fill the Can, Man! dumpster is to be used only for litter collected from around our roads and open spaces.
The Town also has Don’t Litter, You Critter decals and Don’t Be a Litterbug! Keep Marystown Clean stickers available which can be put on your vehicles, in your windows and door windows or anywhere you want. If you’d like some decals and/or stickers for your business, contact the Administrative Assistant at 709-279-1661 ext. 236.
Animal Control/SPCA
The Burin Peninsula SPCA was formed in September 1996 by animal lovers concerned for animal welfare on the Burin Peninsula. It took three years of fundraising and government funding before the shelter opened its doors in May 1999. Through help from volunteers, the public, service groups and municipalities, the Burin Peninsula SPCA works hard every day to ensure a better life for the animals it takes in. The Town of Marystown is a proud supporter of the Burin Peninsula SPCA.
The Burin Peninsula SPCA is located at 499 Main Street, Burin Bay Arm near the Municipality of Burin Town Office.
For more information on the Burin Peninsula SPCA and how you can help, you can visit their website or Facebook Page or call 709-891-8000.
The Town of Marystown, in partnership with the Town of Burin, employs an Animal Control Officer who not only picks up stray animals in an attempt to reunite them with their owners but investigates cases of abuse, neglect and abandonment, brings animals in need to safety and seeks justice for those who cannot speak for themselves. The Animal Control Officer will also work to protect the public from dangerous animals and educate the public on the respective bylaws for each municipality.
To contact the Animal Control Officer, call 709-277-0945.
Emergency Services
In the event of a disaster, the Town of Marystown has a plan!
The Town of Marystown Emergency Management Plan describes the basic procedures to be used and the responsibilities of the various people, agencies and departments in the event of an emergency. It establishes the lines of authority and responsibility for all concerned during the management of an emergency or disaster in Marystown.
The plan recognizes and is coordinated with other emergency plans currently in effect ie., RCMP, Fire Department, Burin Peninsula Health Care Centre, etc.
The Town’s Emergency Management Plan is updated and/or revised as necessary in accordance with the Emergency Services Act.
In the event of a disaster such as a major snowstorm, power failure, etc., it is important that residents are prepared by having food, water, heat and shelter for at least 72 hours.
Marystown Volunteer Fire Department
The Marystown Volunteer Fire Department consists of a compliment of thirty trained and dedicated volunteers who are committed to not only protecting your lives and your property but in promoting and educating the public on fire prevention and fire and life safety. Under the direction of the Fire Chief, the Marystown Volunteer Fire Department responds to emergency fire and carbon monoxide calls, vehicular accidents, hazardous materials spills, ice and water rescue and other emergency situations. The Department is also involved in emergency planning, building and safety inspections, Fire Prevention Week and other educational programs, fundraising for Muscular Dystrophy, participating in community events, including the Department’s own Demolition Derby, and maintaining the Gerard J. Kelly Memorial Firefighters Heritage Museum.
The Marystown Volunteer Fire Department provides the best services possible by utilizing the best equipment available and by creating an environment that provides ongoing training to ensure the health and welfare of their members. Their emergency plan is updated regularly and the Department is ready to respond should an emergency or disaster unfold.
Our firefighters are often the first to respond in most emergencies. If you see a fire emergency vehicle, or any emergency vehicle, approaching from behind or in front of you, safely pull over to the side of the road and let it pass – lives may depend on it!
The Marystown Volunteer Fire Department is located at 97-105 McGettigan Boulevard and the office can be reached by dialing 709-279-2226.
In the event of an emergency, the Marystown Volunteer Fire Department can be reached by dialing 709-279-1333 or 911. If you dial 911 by accident, don’t hang up. Stay on the line and advise the operator what happened.
To learn more about the Marystown Volunteer Fire Department or for information on how to become a volunteer firefighter, visit the Department’s website or Facebook Page.
Marystown Ambulance
Marystown Ambulance is a critical part of Eastern Health and is often the first point of contact in an emergency situation. In addition to responding to emergency situations, Marystown Ambulance also provides transportation to patients requiring medical attention or under medical care who are unable to be transported by alternate means.
Fiander’s Marystown Ambulance Service Ltd. is located at 6 Bill Hodder’s Road off Ville Marie Drive and can be reached by dialing 709-279-2121 or 911. If you dial 911 by accident, don’t hang up. Stay on the line and advise the operator what happened.
RCMP, Burin Peninsula Detachment
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is an agency of the Ministry of Public Safety Canada and its history in Canada dates back to 1873. The RCMP is responsible for fostering and maintaining peaceful and safe communities on the Burin Peninsula through a full range of police responses.
The RCMP offers the following services:
- Criminal records check
- Fingerprints
- General information
- Non-emergency complaints
- Police certificate
- Report a crime
- Vulnerable sector check
The RCMP is located at 87 McGettigan Boulevard and can be reached by dialing 709-279-3001 and choosing one of the following options:
- 1 – emergency response
- 2 – report an incident requiring police involvement but not an emergency
- 3 – general inquiries
In the event of an emergency, the RCMP can also be reached by dialing 911. If you dial 911 by accident, don’t hang up. Stay on the line and advise the operator what happened.
If you see an RCMP vehicle stopped in a lane or on the edge/shoulder of a road, you need to implement the ‘Move Over’ Law. You are required to slow down and move over upon approach. By slowing down and moving over, motorists will increase the safety of those officers as they perform their duties and reduce their risk of being hit by a vehicle. Put as much distance as possible between you and the stopped vehicle/officers.
For more information, visit Burin Peninsula RCMP.
Burin Peninsula Ground Search and Rescue
The Burin Peninsula Ground Search and Rescue is a volunteer organization whose primary objective is to ensure they are properly equipped, trained and capable of carrying out effective ground search and rescue operations (including inland waterways) when requested to do so and under the co-ordination of the police force having jurisdiction in the area.
The Burin Peninsula Ground Search and Rescue is the primary organization to be called upon by the local authorities in the event of lost or missing persons. The Team may also be called upon by the Newfoundland and Labrador Emergency Measures Organization during times of emergencies. The Team provides community education programs aimed at the prevention and reduction of injuries and loss of life dur to outdoor-related activities through prevention and education initiatives.
For more information, visit Burin Peninsula Ground Search and Rescue.